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Have the conversation with your personal astrology coach

27 May 2024, Introduction to the Stars kicks off a two week series of conversations with your personal astrology coach, Sally-Anne Lambert.

         Ask all the questions, Say all the things

Talk to a counselor who understands astrology skepticism, who gets your need for a rock solid basis on which to stand. Get directly to the point, no messing around. Clear answers, workable guidance in your real world. Whaaaaat!?!

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The conversation begins at a hotel meeting room  in Birmingham, UK

A wonderful group of people will begin to experience the planets as they never have before, and begin to really receive the unique gifts of the planets. Each one embraces the beauty of their life, and glimpses the exciting and compassionate blessings of individual stars of our galaxy. Learn how viewing the stars you share with another, and how the star's auspices play out uniquely in your different lives, brings new faith in our shared humanity. 

What it's like to consult with Sally...

Founder of Super-Intelligent Astrology

It will be exciting to hear what your general star chart reveals even at the very beginning. A client has been known to spin round in a full circle before exclaiming to the room 'That's exactly it!!'

  • Prepare to be amazed at the clarity

  • Plan all of your questions, cos you're going to want to know EVERYTHING

  • When you're in the presence of truth, and that truth is your own...    

While listening in collective session, you will need to write down questions that arise. Part of the process is love and understanding for our fellow human beings. In the SIA method, case studies are an essential part of learning.

Our customers love what we do

This has truly helped tremendously...

You have literally shined a light through all of the cloudiness ! I was very overwhelmed at first when I started exploring her chart, thank you so much for your amazing help, the time you took to really dig deep and help me understand better. I've taken it all in and I'm most certainly going to apply all of it well especially .....  and speak positive affirmations. I've been so worried I didn't even bother to think of that ....   

I'm so grateful I'm here and taking the time to understand her chart so I can get a better picture on how to guide her and also be a better nurturer to her. So grateful for you thank you so much  

Valentina Santanilla


You're doing some amazing work... again thank you a treasure trove of information here.

Ember K E

Wow that's phenomenal.

Betty Napier

You're the kind of astrologer I'm aiming to be...  Thank you so much for your insight.


Thank you so much for the analysis of this it rings true a lot. And it does give me perspective towards my life.

Milton Gradilla

That's so interesting... I'm (describing situation) right now and it's causing (describing benefit on the situation)... The affirmations almost made me cry. Thank you so much. This means alot to me.

This is way more than I thought I was about to get. I really appreciate this.

Reina Agana

This makes a lot of sense and puts a lot into perspective.

Madison Chaffin

Wow! Extremely informative and true! Thank you so much for all of this. I'm definitely gonna ponder it and start manifesting


that!!! omgoshes yes! ... How fun!!...  This is neat. Thank you for sharing. 

Bryan Lovering

I'm amazed on the synchronicities... That's a great idea.... '100%!!' We thought about (describes doing what suggested)...  I feel more emotionally stable...   (describes emotional situation)... Thank you. I just wanted you to see. I'm trying   :)     I just had did urge to make change. 

Joanna Munoz

Wow that's a lot of effort... It's really interesting, I really, really appreciate all of this 100%... I love it, This is a lot of info and I am also very very thankful.

Markus Gabriel Molino

Wow wow wow so incredibly accurate! I'm amazed!!! Wow !!! Yes to all !!!! ... (affirms the situations in detail)... Wow just wow wow... (describes emotion of situations)... Just wow wow wow wow yes yes yes thank you ! I love to know the science of things

... (affirms current developments)...  your blowing my whole mind

Tara Raiford

Why is this astrology so uniquely accurate?

It's based on astronomy.

100% accuracy, no cherry-picking

The newest astronomical information on individual stars

By using astronomy instead of myth and imagery, the interpretations of the stars are pre-set and extremely accurate.

Full Story - Short Video

The best of the ancient tradition in our own time

Suddenly we are snapping up to date

Since 1980 when Sally bought her first astrological encyclopedia, she has sought for the most reliable and perfect use of astrology. This came to fruition in 2012, under intense pressure.

Full Story - Short Video

~400 stars ... some are yours and speak to you

Stars are your creators

The best way to know yourself is from the stars that gave birth to you. You are stardust and the power of the stars is within you! The stars' experience translates for you.

Full Story - Short Video

Myth has a place, as a background idea


Myth is not just pictures we imagine in the sky. It is not first priority, but it exists as a history of a people, and their dramas and everything. Sally's astronomy-based approach gives an objectivity that is vital to success, a foundation of peace on which to operate.

Spiritual Background

To mentor someone as a coach, you need to have had your own mentors. Sally's mentors had massive impact, and helped bear the burden of her goals to change the world. 

Aside from having these four mentors, Sally had a muse, who helped to integrate all the lessons of the mentors. He was innocent and caring. 

"These five people absorbed a lot of the pain of my struggle, as others in my life have also done. I'm very grateful to them. Bless their souls. But I feel like everyone is my mentor. There are so many people I've learned from."

Madge Douglas ('Aunty Madge')

Modeled personal religion and enterprise

Tilly Matheson (landlady)

Minor socialite, modeled culture and arts

Henry Lambert (Dad, his Dad on left)... 

Tech, management, culture, psych

Karmayogi, Lewis Postlewaight

Ashram owner, yoga pioneer, homeopath

Aligning with the Universe

Sally: This is my story of how I created a foundation of belief, with astronomy-based astrology

I want you to enjoy the blessing of stability that I've had from the stars. We all have our challenges, but stability is what helps us achieve our potential. Before I worked in astrology I was a second language teacher at the peak of my career. I had taught university full-time for eight years, and before that I taught children. I had a lot of experience creating my own materials and curriculum and managing student activities. I moved to the most professional and highly paid market in my field, Saudi Arabia, where I created an entire program from scratch for the faculty of the largest women's university in the world.

Leveling up requires some stability of belief at every stage in life.

 In 2012, I got canceled and I didn't deserve it. I had achieved huge things, but there was intense vulnerability. I was a little distracted and a little afraid to dive into the most shocking and powerful advances I'd made. Sometimes I ask myself if I revealed too much.

In January of that year, I went to speak my power at my book launch in Alaska. It was my second dictionary, but the first to transform and underpin the entire linguistic field through serving the most difficult grammar on the planet, Native American style grammar. This was part of a larger mission. The information was so shocking and new (in the word histories of the language) that I included a large bibliography to show evidences and background information sources. This part became a distraction.

Everything we do is based on our beliefs, however well we do the science. Our beliefs must be strong!

Since the late 80s, I had this mission in life to write nine dictionaries to help bring about racial harmony in the world. These dictionaries are designed to enable people to learn their ancestral language, or a new language, in a way that works with the language's native culture. This was based on my language experience that began at age 11. Since that time, I have been in language immersion situations as I work my destiny.

All the evidence was there in the dictionary, but I faltered. My beliefs weren't quite strong enough to support bridging the cultural gap in a hostile situation. If I'd had full faith, I would have tackled the vocabulary right then, but I tried to bridge the gap culturally. It was the wrong approach. The hostility was too powerful. A dictionary writer doesn't need to be fluent, but they do need to have a deep understanding of a language. They also need to understand people.

I had been witch-hunted at various times in my life, but in this instance I thought I was beyond that, as a mature professional with a successful dictionary publication behind me, held in leading university libraries around the world. I underestimated the power of evil. 

After the launch, I took the story to a local radio talkback host, and he sensationalized it, using my spiritual enthusiasm against me, and stirring up hatred among the tribe, which was easy to do. Soon the woke anti-culture was born. The treatment of my supposed religion was very bigoted. Lies multiplied. If only I had had the force of belief to confront the doubt and hostility of the tribe, I could have achieved so much. At the very least planted a seed. As I had done at the pre-launch with the Seattle branch of the tribe.

It's easy to mistake experience for belief. But belief is more, and it goes to our foundation.

I had a very deep history of language experience, having been adopted as a child into Samoan life and culture, and my first language had switched out at age 11. I had also tasted a primitive life and developed new values that gave me a lot of strength. I've always been a mystery since that time. In some ways an outsider. but it worked for me. I was able to blend in and learn things that academics couldn't learn. We are social animals. 

We are social animals, but we tend to split into belief groups. These can be very hostile to one another. To defend our beliefs requires a level of commitment, or having BEEN TO THE CROSSROADS. Getting to the crossroads doesn't have to be a rare privilege anymore, an unexpected gift. I can bring you to this mystical place. Its time has come.

It's my destiny to bring you to the crossroads of your life. To claim this gift will be up to you.

Who I am is never very obvious, and my path evolved in the ocean of tiny islands, the Pacific, where humans have made courageous journeys from point to point across massive distances using simple technology that worked. My evolution involved gradually experiencing the whole of Polynesian language family. I became a Samoan chief in the ancient way, as a healer but not formally.

The time came that I had to go beyond my Pacific cocoon. I set sail culturally into the wider world. Organically I learned how the human language family works. How its languages interconnect became gradually apparent as I committed more and more to language. But spiritually I knew I was up against a lot in the modern world. We face multiple challenges as human beings. The guardians of endangered languages have a role, but many of us also have the challenge to regain our lost ethnic heritage. Unbalanced power in the world of language affects all of us. 

Having a mentor means a lot. Its fashionable to vow 'I'm not a guru'. The further we are distanced from one another, the more we are vulnerable to trickster education. But a faithful mentor is invaluable. My father put intensive effort into mentoring me. 

He knew I'd likely struggle. As a young man himself, he had wanted to be a super-psychiatrist with multiple degrees. He made a plan when he was a senior in the physics department of MIT, to become student counselor. Sometimes the real world gives us development above and beyond. Dad's protests against the Nazis before the war even began got him arrested and he didn't graduate. Before he died in 1984 he passed on his goal to me, in a physics paper entitled Reconciling Revelation and Science. It focused on the space-time continuum. Which we could say is the spiral of spinning stars and planets through the time continuum of space. My father's goal was so big it's taken two generations. 

I'm proud that I've been able to fulfill my father's fondest dream. He died when I was first experiencing conflict with bigoted academics. (I will always tell it like it is with your astrology. You will know without a doubt what I am saying.) 

At the time of his death, my father was afraid another generation would be repressed, that in the end the mission against fascism would be lost, that religion without logic would fail, and that science without soul would also fail. He used to write me long letters up to 20 pages, every few days then every week or so. I was a light for my father, but he never saw why. He just believed. It could easily have gone wrong at many points. 

I found the middle way, the roots of language, earth's flowering of culture... and the roots of life. This will appear in your astrology too, in your own way. Then I found the creator stars who gave us the stardust that is us. Revelation in its deepest origins, and science in its deepest origins. I wish my father could be here to see his dream of world peace sprout, but he is watching over me from the stars. He was most certainly not a perfect person, none of us are. But through astronomy-based astrology we can reach to be our higher selves in the real world. 

Whatever your beliefs, the stars are ready to help you. It's up to you to claim this treasure. Culture is an aid in the journey. 

On e of the greatest goals of my life, which wasn't clear to me for a long time, was to find my own roots. I knew my father was half French, at least we believed so. But there was a lot of repression casting doubt. I also knew my mother was Scottish, but we had no idea that there even was an ancestral language. So my ultimate goal has been to find my own roots and learn my other ancestral languages, French and Scottish Gaelic. These are also part of my dictionaries mission. 

My work as an astrologer is partly to give me time and resources to fulfill the rest of my mission for the dictionaries. Thank you for reading, and I welcome you to be part of the story. As you already are in some ways. I hope the following video will inspire you.

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